How many carbohydrates should I have before training?
You should typically consume 20-40g of carbohydrates prior to your training session.
You should typically consume 20-40g of carbohydrates prior to your training session.
You should consume 20 to 30g of protein prior to your training session.
If you are on a meal plan and don’t have A post protein shake, take 5g of protein off each meal that day so your macros stay the same.
Yes! Always use kitchen scales to weigh your food and be within 5g of your allocated macros.
Each meal should be approx 3-5 hours apart, no earlier or later than this time frame.
Our centre is fully supervised and FREE for young people aged 12 to 25 years to access anytime Monday to Friday from 3:00pm to 6:30pm. The centre has a Fully equipped gym, half basketball court, pool table, table tennis table, indoor games space and chill out zone.
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