Controlling the controllable
At the moment we are living in a world where there is much uncertainty. As a consequence, many people are feeling overwhelmed and are becoming anxious because there is so much out of their control.
However, there are still many things we can control, and it is important to focus on these when overwhelm starts to kick in.
There are many things we cannot control so it’s essential to focus on controlling the controllable and letting everything else go. Having your brain filled with worry about things you cannot control will only add to your anxiety.
Your mindset is your number one priority at times like this and, just like a muscle, it requires daily training to stay strong and fit.
Feed your mind with good thoughts, practice gratitude and participate in activities that make you feel good about yourself. Acknowledge and savour the feelings you get in those moments.
Try it today – go for a beach walk, watch a sunrise or sunset, listen to music that motivates you, go for an early morning swim or gym session or just sit and enjoy a coffee on the beach. Acknowledge all the good things in your life that you can control and let the rest go.