Exercising post Covid
As more of us contract Covid, taking care of ourselves has never been more important. I recently succumbed to the virus that saw me bedridden for the better part of a week and am now working on slowly regaining my previous levels of fitness.
I found my motivation was at an all-time low while I was ill and regaining that motivation has been difficult.
When recovering from Covid it is important to take the time to rest and recover.
When you do feel like getting moving again it is important not to listen to your body and not overdo it. Slowly increase the duration of work and exercise and only if you are up to it.
Make sure you continue to eat well, incorporate lots of fruit and vegetables in your diet and keep the fluids up.
Don’t expect your motivation to be at the same level as before you became ill. Work towards going slowly back to your normal routine and as the weeks go on, you will find your momentum will build.
The loss of motivation is normal and will return when your health and routine is back to its pre covid state.