OK…its that time of the year when Xmas parties are common and alcohol flows..So how do we enjoy ourselves while trying to minimize excess weight gain??? OK..firstly we all know that excess alcohol isn`t optimal,however we all still must live and enjoy our selves especially during the festive season…
Here are my suggestions to maximize the festive season while training and attempting to keep weight at at a Holt.
Firstly, you must be at least trying to track your food so you know your approx carbohydrate intake.
Secondly, lets say you are going out that evening,try going low on your carbohydrate intake during the day so you have more fuel to play with that evening.
Thirdly,,,in the morning get strait back to training and do a HIIT(high intense interval training) training style session to maximize and stimulate your metabolism, so you can try and burn most of that nite off.Follow this by a weight training session later that day.
Your body, when alcohol is consumed, will semi holt fat burning to try and deal with the alcohol, remove it from the body first. Once this process takes place, fat burning can continue, this is why excess alcohol is detrimental to your weight loss goals.
So, in short I`m not saying go out and get bloto or consume too much alcohol, I`m saying you can enjoy yourself with alcohol in moderation during the festive season and not be a party pooper!!!
Happy festive season my friends!!
Warm Regards,